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Watch Alessio Sarti Create his Violetta Maledetta cocktail Using Barfly Mixology Gear by Mercer

Barfly Mixology Gear by Mercer presents the Chilled 100 Bartenders with its popular and professional mixology tools, gaining loyal fans across the country in the process.

Watch as bartender Alassio Sarti of Miami Florida uses his bar tools from his Barfly Mixology Gear by Mercer mixology set to create an original cocktail.

Violetta Maledetta

by Alessio Sarti – @vagabond.bartender


1 ½ oz Butterfly Tea Pea Infused Gin
1 oz Bianco Vermouth
1 oz Italicus Liqueur
5 dashes fee foam


Mix all ingredients into a coupe glass.
Garnish with bitters and orange zest

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