Another week has passed and we edge ever closer to Christmas. That means it’s time for two things: 1) the mild panic to set in; and 2) another #WhiskySanta Super Wish!
This one is a stonker: Bunnahabhain 40 Year Old. Stonk. A full £2,200 worth of stonk.
Before I tell you more about this week’s Super Wish, first a most merry glass of the good stuff must be raised to @paulreardo, who bagged a bottle of Bruichladdich 30 Year Old – Re/Define) worth £1,500 last week!
Back to the here and now: Bunnahabhain 40 Year Old. What is there to say? It’s properly old Islay single malt. If you haven’t tasted this whisky before, there is no way to prepare you for what you are about to experience. Even I don’t possess this much magic…
Want a bottle of Bunnahabhain 40 Year Old? Make a wish!
To make your Super Wish, head here: Bunnahabhain 40 Year Old. Scroll down on that page and you’ll find a handsome ‘Ask #WhiskySanta’ button. Hit it.*
That pre-populates a Twitter or Facebook post that you make into a Super Wish by clicking ‘Publish’. If you’re an Instagrammer, then fear not, you can absolutely enter too! Simply tag @masterofmalt in stories or use the #WhiskySanta hashtag and tag @masterofmalt on grid posts. In other words, like you would for any #WhiskySanta wish!
I’m a busy supernatural being so be sure to get those wishes in by 23:59 GMT Thurs 28 Nov. That leaves plenty of time to send it out on my sleigh (or one of MoM’s delivery partners) and get it safely under your tree! It just doesn’t stop around here. Of course, it will stop, at Christmas, but until then, get wishing!
The winner of this Super Wish will be announced on Fri 29 Nov. Best of luck!
*As in click it, not put on music. Although I do everything to music. I knit and Knopfler with the best of them.
The post #WhiskySanta’s Bunnahabhain 40 Year Old Super Wish appeared first on master of malt BLOG.