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#WhiskySanta’s Fettercairn 46 Year Old Super Wish

It’s been an epic year, but there’s one last Super Wish up #WhiskySanta‘s immaculately cuffed sleeves – and it’s a real showstopper…

Well, I’ve certainly been a busy Blitzen, haven’t I? I’ve been giving out thousands and thousands of gifts to Master of Malt customers with their orders, and I’m going to keep going until Christmas Eve (I’ve got something else I’m contractually obliged to do that Sunday night, you know…). You shouldn’t slow down on doing wishes either as the same goes for those! That being said, it is time for my very last Super Wish of 2023. And it’s something absolutely incredible…

First a quick Christmassy congrats to @quasidrams who won a bottle of Craigellachie 37 Year Old last week! But now, it’s time for this week’s Super Wish bottle: Fettercairn 46 Year Old, which has slumbered far longer than even me after one of my famous mince pie binges! It was distilled back in the early 1970s and matured in American white oak bourbon barrels for many moons until eventually being moved over to tawny Port pipes for a finishing period. It’s worth £8,500! Absolutely stunning stuff.

Your final Super Wish works the same as all before, just head on over to the Fettercairn 46 Year Old page and find the snazzy red button marked “Ask #WhiskySanta”. By the power invested in me, a box will magically appear to send you onwards to a pre-populated Twitter or Facebook post. Hit ‘publish’ and you’ve got yourself a wish. For Instagram, be sure to tag @masterofmalt as well as using the #WhiskySanta hashtag in your stories and grid posts.

You need to get those wishes in by 23:59 GMT Monday 18 December (you get a bit longer to wish for this one). An £8,500 bottle of whisky could be yours, don’t forget! For now, that’s it for Super Wishes for 2023, but don’t be sad. We’ll probably do it all again next year. Maybe with Baby Yoda handing out the gifts. Assuming I get a reply to my emails.


The post #WhiskySanta’s Fettercairn 46 Year Old Super Wish appeared first on Master of Malt Blog.

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