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Benoit Paris (*) a real classic…

Already it has been almost 1 year ago, since I last visited this “must-visit” restaurant when in Paris. While I do love all new fusion style restaurants and can even appreciate the molecular side of all famous restaurants, you also need to have understanding and appreciation of any classic French restaurant! And what better place to eat than at a place that has had 1 Michelin star for over 100 years (!). And is in the middle of Paris as well…

With a love for classics, both in food as in styling, this place is just amazing and brings you back 40-50-60 years, just such a treat.

So what did we eat?

Escargots (how much more cliché can you go?)

The best butter in France…

My altime favourite: the Rossini

Blackpudding (Boudin) with apple and the best potato purée ever!

Savarin a l’Armagnac (cake drenched in Armangac)

Cheese… what else

Just look at the Menu, what would you eat?

How good does this look? Escargots with load of garlic..

Or that butter, licked of the plate…

And for the mains, so perfect in its simplicity:

Perfect “pommes pont neuf” above

And the cream on that dessert, YUMMIE

And to end it all….:

Madelaines (which I make myself nowadays as well, and at the same level…)

When in Paris…. just go at least once, it is part of food culture and heritage. Enjoy!

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