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Get to Know Chilled 100 Bartender Ashley Sarkis

Chilled 100 Bartender Ashley Sarkis was introduced to the restaurant and bar industry at just 16 years old.

She started as a host, then worked her way up to a server, then cocktail server, then bartender to bar manager, and eventually, beverage director. She took a short reprieve to become a massage therapist but couldn’t stay away from the bar scene and returned after three short months.

She currently bartends at Yunta Nikkei, a Peruvian-Japanese concept bar with a focus on Pisco. Ashley credits her development as a bartender to a fellow bartender and friend, Amanda Britton, who encouraged her to elevate her craft.

We asked Ashley to share more about her bartending career with us.

Here’s what she had to say.

What is your favorite ingredient right now and why?

I’ve been really delving into different teas and their flavor profiles. I love the vastness of the flavors and how versatile they are.

How do you go about creating a cocktail? Is there a specific process or simply a moment of inspiration?

It changes from cocktail to cocktail. Sometimes I have a drink name that inspires it. Other times it’s a new spirit or ingredient that lends the inspiration.

Do you have a special technique you use or a tip for making a particular drink?

Honestly, I love the beauty of simplicity. I don’t think a cocktail has to have seven or eight touches to be delicious or creative.

Where do you see bartending and cocktail culture headed?

I think we are starting to pull away from the pretentiousness of the form a bit and moving in the direction of just really having fun with what we are doing and creating.

Do you have any advice for novice or at home bartenders?

Read, research, and play around with new information, techniques, and ingredients.

Interested in joining The Chilled 100?

Our group of passionate and talented bartenders love the art of crafting cocktails. We are always on the lookout for the best bartenders. Membership is free. For additional information about this amazing opportunity contact Chilled 100 National Director or visit

The post Get to Know Chilled 100 Bartender Ashley Sarkis appeared first on Chilled Magazine.

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