Premium gin brand The Botanist, made at the Bruichladdich Distillery on the Scottish Isle of Islay, has introduced two new expressions: a Cask Rested and a Cask Aged gin. The cask matured gin spirits, both 46% ABV, combine wood, spice and citrus, with juniper and coriander notes to showcase The Botanist’s signature 22 wild, hand-foraged Islay botanicals in a new light, the company says.
The Cask Rested Gin, priced at $49.99, is a cuvée of about 16 different cask types from a variety of regions and has been aged in Bruichladdich’s warehouse on Islay for a minimum of six months. The Cask Aged Gin, a cuvée of around six different cask types from a variety of regions, has been aged in Bruichladdich’s warehouse for a minimum of three years. Priced at $79.99, the gin is exclusive to the on-premise and available in limited quantities in select markets.
The Botanist celebrated the Feb. 1 launch with a seated three-course dinner and gin pairing in the Wine Cellar at Peasant restaurant in New York. The gin’s national brand ambassador Madelyn Kay noted that aged gin is an emerging category without rules, so the company looked to the tequila category for guidance on aging. The matured gins provide opportunities to experience The Botanist in new ways, she said, “and also introduce aged spirit drinkers to gin.”
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